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Herzing Offers Peer Tutoring for the Modern Student

Herzing University recently partnered with Knack, an online platform that offers students 24/7, one-on-one tutoring and collaboration at no additional cost.

To state the obvious, college is a place for learning. 你将学习的课程是为了建立你的知识, 利用现实世界的应用——如临床和实习——和课堂讨论来加深你的理解. 但在学习过程中,还有第三种非常相关的途径,但却没有得到那么多的关注:一对一的同伴辅导. 

Studies show 当教育工作者和机构采用整体方法时,学生们学得更全面,保留信息的时间更长. 随着在线和混合学习的兴起以及技术的不断进步,拥有一个 peer-based tutoring program 可用性可以帮助学生更好地掌握材料,并允许学生建立他们的专业知识. That’s why Herzing University recently partnered with Knack, an online platform that offers students 24/7, one-on-one tutoring and collaboration at no additional cost.

Why Tutoring Matters?

一些学生可能会羞于在学术上寻求外界的帮助. 他们可能会担心自己会被评判,或者担心寻求帮助是一种耻辱. 其他学生可能根本不知道辅导是一个可用的选择. 因为Herzing希望帮助学生充分参与他们的课程, build their skills, and prepare for a career after graduation, offering Knack is a natural extension of the University’s core values. Some general benefits of one-on-one peer tutoring include:

  • Better understanding of material. Asking questions, 与他人合作并进行讨论是理解护理技术或复杂主题背后的过程的一部分, healthcare, business, or technology. In fact, students who use Knack are 10% more likely to pass courses. 
  • Individualized attention and approach. 教授在课堂上能讲的材料是有限的. By learning from a student who aced the course, 你可以专注于你需要额外帮助的部分,并提出课堂上没有涉及的问题.
  • Increased confidence. 没有人喜欢毫无准备的感觉,或者觉得自己还没有完全明白. Learning to navigate college life, with all the other responsibilities—finances, relationships, work, schedules, not to mention coursework—is tough enough. 有一个人在你身边,帮助你实现目标,庆祝你的成功,这对学生的信心是一种提升, perhaps when it is needed most. 
  • Using the buddy system. 有人陪着你学习有助于缓解焦虑和压力,让你更有动力去做得更好. In fact, the average student satisfaction rating for Knack is 99%.
  • Making connections—academically and personally. 许多学生说,与同龄人一起工作不那么令人生畏,而且更有利于学习,因为同龄人比课程教授可能经历过类似的学习和社会环境. 同伴导师既可以帮助你完成课程,也可以给你时间管理方面的建议, 学习技能和处理其他学校和生活责任.

Knack: What it is and how to use it  

Herzing大学通过为学生免费提供充足的资源,致力于帮助学生实现并超越他们的大学目标. 通过与Knack合作,使学生能够预订特定课程的同伴辅导和指导服务, students can amplify their education at no extra cost. There is no risk, only the potential for rewards.

Designed as complementary to online, hybrid and in-person learning, Knack平台为所有学生提供了方便的访问,无论地点或方式. Resources are conveniently located in the Canvas Student Resource Center and take only a few steps:   

  1. Create an account with your HU email address.
  2. 提交申请,并审查您感兴趣的课程的合格导师.
  3. Select your tutor and schedule a session.
  4. Meet with your tutor online or in person.

可选的导师要么是在课程中表现出色的赫晶同学,要么是40多个学科的专业导师, on demand 24/7. 还有在24小时内提交问题或接受论文反馈的选项.

Higher education is no longer just about memorization, expensive textbooks and passing tests—thank goodness! Peer-to-peer tutoring is an effective, efficient, 以及将传统的大学理念与现代联系起来的公共方式, digital era. Check out this video to see what fellow students 谈谈他们使用Knack的经历,以及它如何塑造了他们对协作学习的看法. Then log in to see for yourself!

Learn More About Our Career Programs


* Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), U.S. Department of Labor, 职业就业和工资统计2023 /职业展望手册2022. 劳工统计局的估计不代表入门级工资和/或薪水. Multiple factors, including prior experience, age, geography market in which you want to work and degree field, will affect career outcomes and earnings. Herzing既不代表它的毕业生将获得劳工统计局计算的特定工作的平均工资,也不保证从它的幸运28计划毕业后就能找到工作, promotion, salary increase or other career growth.

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